Monday, July 27, 2009

RCM Short Cuts - Be Careful!

When it comes to RCM Training, at Allied Reliability, Inc. we know the best RCM is not always the fastest!

If there is one thing I know for certain it is this; the day man first learned to walk, he wanted to run. The drive to move faster and do things in less time will always be a part of mankind and who we are. Once we learn to make something we need to make it faster and as soon as we begin making it faster, we begin to measure the fastest times ever, the most in the least amount of time and so on.

Reliability Centered Maintenance and RCM Training are no different; as soon as we expose someone to RCM they want to learn to do it faster. My reply to those who want to do RCM faster, "Learn to do RCM right first, then you can learn to do it faster." At Allied Reliability, Inc. we offer RCM Training in one of the worlds most proven RCM methodologies; RCM Blitz. Our RCM Facilitator Training and Certification program was developed to ensure your RCM Facilitators become RCM experts increasing the probability that your company will have a proven RCM effort that becomes part of your business culture. As a result, Allied Reliability and RCM Blitz are proud to boast that over 85% of our clients have proven mature and successful RCM efforts!

Join our growing list of successful clients and contact Allied Reliability today!

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